Sunday, May 12, 2013

Sacramento Poet Laureate Bob Stanley penned this poem dedicated to James in 2011. Stanley has a new book Miracle Shine and he will be the guest of honor at a book signing on May 27th (7:30pm) at the Sacramento Poetry Center.

Ten Gallon Hat / Giving the World
a man rides out across
the landscape of his soul
into the emptiness of his worlds
and cries

I never knew you
but your words cry out
in a language we all understand

the language of the kid
beaten back
the story we hear as myth
evil stepmother evil stepfather
except it’s not myth
and the kid
fights back
in ways he can

you were a star
a ballplayer who could hit
with the best of them
a writer who worked the edges of the scene
and fought for every game,
every reading
every moment
you fought back to find the peace
that your youth denied you

and songs came
and gave you life
the words
that you wrote for the woman
the words
you wrote for the boy
the words
gave you a life that lasted
longer than the one
you got in your
finally broken body

the old man steps up to the plate
and all the ballplayers snicker
but that over the hill dude
hits one into the seats,
then another
then another
line drives soaring across
the sky
meteors in the day
moving fast
your drive
sails on
and we’re watching today
we’re hearing your words
thanks Jim
for giving the ball a ride
giving the world what you did

Bob Stanley, 2011

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